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Nutrition Program Roses

Nutritional programs

Nutrition - Roses

Recommendations: Roses

Period Products Dosages
Weekly sprayings (Doses per 100 liters)
Niphokam 10-08-08 150 mL
Quimifol Florada 200 mL
Alternated with
Quimifol P30W 200 mL
Quimifol Arrank L 200 mL
Obs.: Using RayNitro MD (0.2 L/ha) fortnightly.
During the last weeks before cutting, add Quimifol K-40 (200 g).
Do not perform spraying with nutrients when flowers are open or getting to open.
In roses, when there is bending of stem next to the bud, use Quimifol Boro-L (200 mL).
You can use Quimifol Fosfito (100 mL) each 21 days.